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Walking Aid

Falls Prevention Resource Library

Here you will find a range of free downloadable resources focusing on strength, balance and falls prevention.  These resources are suitable for staff, the people you care for and their families.

Why Moving Matters

Information for service users and their families on why moving matters.


Up and About

Taking Positive Steps to getting Up and About and avoiding trips and falls.


Moving More Often

A fun Care Inspectorate resource for service users to encourage more frequent movement and exercise. 


Personal Moving Record

A service user moving record to encourage and record exercise success!


Move & Improve

Take the balance challenge to improve your strength and balance.


Making Every Move Count

In association with Scottish Care, a helpful staff resource on how to target movement and exercise to support service user mobility.


Falls Prevention Checklist

Staff checklist reminder to reduce risks of trips and falls.  Suitable for placing in service user bedrooms and staff offices.


Conquer your fear of falling

The information in this booklet is for anyone who has a fear of falling that is preventing them from doing the things they enjoy 

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