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Please note that the information on this website is correct at the time of uploading and is meant as guidance only.  Staff should always refer and follow national guidelines and their own organisation's work instructions and policies.

Palliative Care

What differentiates palliative care from just good care is the awareness that a person’s mortality has started to influence clinical and/or personal decision making.

Supporting someone who may be approaching the end of their life can be some of the most challenging work that any social care or health worker faces. This means you need the right skills and knowledge to do the job competently and confidently. This short course will guide health and social care professionals who support people who have palliative and end of life care needs. The emphasis of this course is to ensure that the person is centre of all decision making and good communication is essential, even though it may that we want to avoid the challenging discussions.

This course has been developed considering the PEOCL framework that has been developed in partnership with the SSSC and the NHS Education Scotland.


Understanding Palliative Care

To create a record that you have completed and understood the various online resources, you are advised to complete a Reflective Practice Form for each online course you undertake. 


This form will help to reinforce the main learning points whilst also identifying any further learning requirements you may have.  It is recommended that you discuss the completed form with your Line Manager and have them counter-sign it.  This form should then be retained by yourself and can be used as evidence for a course completion record, professional registration and SVQ evidence. 

Click on the icons below for further information and guidance

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Strategic Framework for Action on Palliative and End of Life Care

Supportive & Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICTTM)

Caring for people in the last days and hours of life - Guidance


Anticipatory Care Planning for COVID-19


NHS Scotland Palliative Care Clinical Guidelines (2014)


Anticipatory Care Planning Tool Kit

Where do you want to go next? 


Adult Support & Protection


Outcome Focused Customer Care


Consent & Capacity

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